Join the marching band for their first competition of the year!
Royal Classic Field Tournament Competition SAT OCT 16 2021 AT 6:00 PM Royal High School | Simi Valley
We will meet at the DPHS Greek Theater. All parents are welcome to join us!
Hello DPIM Families!
You are all invited to join our next DPIM Band Boosters board meeting which will be held at the Dos Pueblos Greek Theater this Wednesday, August 11, at 5:30p. Please consider volunteering to be part of the DPIM Band Booster Board to make your student's experience in the music program to be one they will never forget. We desperately need new parents to volunteer for these open positions. No experience is needed, just a willingness to learn. Here is a list of available positions for the 2021/22 DPHS Band Booster Board:
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Yesi Thomas at [email protected] |
October 2021